New to the site young 30 year old looking for advice.

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New to the site young 30 year old looking for advice.

Post by Willbeatthis »

Hello everyone,

I have some strange symptoms in which I can only narrow down to a form of mild pudendal neuralgia. My GPs seem to be very clueless and this confuses me further.

I would be veryyyyyy greateful if anyone has had similar problems to me or to let me know if these types of symptoms are common for PN.

Here goes (big breath)...

SYMPTOMS: (This thred contains personal information)....So my overall symptoms are discouloured genitals red scrotum and red penis glans hypersensitive to touch wearing underwear tight clothing is uncomfortable. Penis gets very sore after masterbation or after sex. I sometimes feel a burning sensation under the forskin. The red colour becomes a purple colour after sex or masterbation and the glands become swollen. The skin tempreture tends to get very hot and the redness changes with the heat experienced. redder when hotter etc. The skin also feels rubbery to touch and blothcy with broken blood vessels.

HOW IT STARTED: This all started I believe from my return from Vietnam, I was under alot of stress on my return more then usual and I also had to have 5 rabies vaccinations from a possible contact with a dog bite while out there. anyway 3 months later life was getting better I got back into work and things were getting fine. My partner was still travelling at the time and I was masterbating far more then usual afew times a day sometimes, possibly through boredom and frutration before I got back into work. Now this part is important, I hold back my orgasm for a long time while masterbating to prolong the pleasurable feeling, this could go on for over an hour easily. I also was sitting for long periods of the day possibly with bad posture too my job also required alot of sitting in office chairs.

Anyway, one day the Tip of my penis became very sore after masterbating and the next morning my scrotum and penile head are both red sore to touch and darker skin pigment and the skin looks thin with lots of veins. It has now been 3 months and the redness hypersensitivity is all still here I believe the redness and slight pain increase after a long drive somewhere. but its more the soreness after touching it which is the problem or after sex. This also comes with problems starting my urine stream and weak urine flow. Before this problem occured I also suffered from pain in my eppididimus behind my testicle excrusiating pain at times but no infection was ever found. This was slo followed by urethra inflammtion and soreness while urinating but again no infecion or structual problem was ever found even afterI had a scope up there.

WHAT I HAVE TRIED: So obviously the doctors give you the regular things.. yeast infection treatment, antibiotics, cortisone cream all STDS negative including HIV HEP B,C. Nothing helped at all. The weird thing is this red genital problem happend back in 2009 with the same symptoms and I believe after a year+ the problem slowly resolved. But now it is back to haunt me yet again.

THE GOAL: Now I need to find out whats happening to me once and for all as doctors are so clueless its unreal. I believe I have possibly a pelvic floor dysfunction which may of been caused by over masterbation and holding back orgasm for too long too frequently in which has put pressure on the pudendal nerve? This is believe is a big possibilty. or the problem is actually from my back as I have always had some type of lower back pain however this always was worse after sex or masterbation which still brings me back to the pelvic floor muscle which could be overactive or tight tensed? which in turn is irritating my nerve?

YOUR THOUGHTS?: Can anyone help me or does anyone relate to this? I am in desperate need for help I want to beat this but as you can see I have been fighting for ages and still not had a diagnosis. If It went away once I guess it can go away again but need to find out whats causing his problem soo I know what NOT to do. I know my sympoms are not as bad as some of you out there and you guys that are are such strong people in which I admire.

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Violet M
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Re: New to the site young 30 year old looking for advice.

Post by Violet M »

Excessive masturbation is listed as one of the possible causes of pudendal neuralgia in Dr. Hibner's writings. ... a/item/691
I don't know if you can get small fiber neuropathy from over-manipulation of the genitals.

Nerves and blood vessels have a very close relationship in that nerves control vasoconstriction. There are some people with pudendal neuralgia who have genital discoloration.

Sorry, I can't answer your question for sure other than to say pudendal neuralgia is a possibility.

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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