Hip slipping caused my pn

Many physical activites such as sports, pelvic surgery, etc can all contribute to PN
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Hip slipping caused my pn

Post by clm »

Hello, fyi, i’ve been carefully reviewing my medical history. From this research, i think that my right pn was caused when my right angled-femur ball/head slipped in its acetabular socket, while i was lifting a coffee table, and it rotated my pelvis, crushing the right pn in doing so. History: as a baby of 9 months, i broke my rt femur. Growing up, i had only mild symptoms of “dysplasia” from a slightly imperfect union. At age 45, i developed chronic low back pain. Then, i had a rt hip decompression, which somehow lead to pronation to hip slipping events, where my hip would slip and my pelvis would rotate anterior, superior, medial-way (rt pelvis would slip on rt angled femur ball, pushing/pulling rt pelvis forward, inward, downward). Usually my pelvis would get stuck badly rotated, but i had extra-special bad rotations: a false-positive appendectomy via Mcburney’s point (same area where everything anterior hip attaches, so was immensely stressed-tender to touch with hip/ pelvic rotated); a couple of other similar events where i sought medical attention; and then the coffee table lifting event, where the extra weight caused a massive hip/pelvic rotation that crushed my rt pn; plus, i had a phys therapy session where the stress was relieved temporarily (lying down, legs straight, opposing leg was raised slightly, and brought firmly over injured leg side, to lever pelvis/hip back into a normal position - that helped immensely, but was only temporary, as my femur ball was still angled and now prone to slipping. There is more to this tragic tale, but my point is that if you have unilateral pn, check your hips, the ball, the socket, the muscles, tendons, and ligaments to see if they are worn, torn, or otherwise imperfect. Try the phys therapy maneuver, under medical supervision, see if it helps. I wish i had known this 18 tortuous years ago. I no longer have pn due to an excellent pn release surgery, plus new hip revision in 2022. My thoughts are always with you. Hang in there, bless you. Sincerely, CM.
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