33 year old male, PN from heavy Squatting

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33 year old male, PN from heavy Squatting

Post by squatwrong »

Hello I’m new here

one day 3 years ago I had a “zing” to the tip of my penis during one of my squat sets. it happened at the very top of my squat just as i finished my rep. I was in a bad habit of contracting my glutes and doing a posterior pelvic tilt at the end of my rep in order to engage my glutes more (kind of like the motion you would make upon ejaculation during sex or masturbation). Sorry for the graphic detail.

but anyway it would only happen when i squatted. so i stopped squatting. then one day i felt the zing during my deadlift set. so i stopped deadlifting. then i felt it while over head pressing. so i stopped that.

fast forward to today and I suddenly get a flare up training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. (which has not bothered me the last 3 years.)

Im getting worried. i saw a pelvic floor therapist. no imaging and was done but she suspected a tight pelvic floor and proceeded to do manual pelvic floor trigger point release. it helped a little but since it’s not covered by insurance i can’t afford to go every week for rehab.

I purchased “A Headache in the Pelvis” and a therawand and have been doing my own trigger point release with some relief.

I’ve tried a lacrosse ball to my sacrotuberous ligaments bilaterally however i think that made symptoms a little worse for a few days.

i stretch daily and try to target all the muscle groups of the lower extremity. i’m trying to figure out ways to stretch coccygeus because i’m suspecting that may be the culprit due to extreme pelvic tightening i did at the end of all my squat reps in order to engage my glutes more.

Its nice to meet you all. Hopefully i can help as much as get helped on this forum.

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Violet M
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Re: 33 year old male, PN from heavy Squatting

Post by Violet M »

Hi Lee,

Weightlifting is what caused my problems too -- specifically squats and lunges. I think that since physical therapy helped you initially, that if you avoid the activities that flared you up in the first place that hopefully you will heal given some time. However, you will likely need to avoid those activities for the rest of your life and be careful about what activities you add. In my experience, physical therapy didn't help but actually made me worse because I had a nerve entrapment and the nerve was continuing to be irritated by tight ligaments, but since PT initially helped you, hopefully it is just tight muscles and not a ligamental nerve entrapment that is causing the problem. Hopefully with lifestyle changes you will see improvement over time, but typically it takes a bit of time.

PNE since 2002. Started from weightlifting. PNE surgery from Dr. Bautrant, Oct 2004. Pain now is usually a 0 and I can sit for hours on certain chairs. No longer take medication for PNE. Can work full time and do "The Firm" exercise program. 99% cured from PGAD. PNE surgery was right for me but it might not be for you. Do your research.
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