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inner thigh pain pudendal nerve?

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:35 pm
by Jackson
Has anyone experienced pain in the inner aspect of the thigh just down from the groin. That's in addition to all the usual symtptoms of pudendal pain. A specialist has told me that the pudendal nerve can also cause pain in this part of the anatomy. Like a sore muscle (well it is the muscle, or in my case more like fat).

Re: inner thigh pain pudendal nerve?

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:38 am
by catherine a

I read somewhere that the Obturator Muscle/nerve can cause pain in the inner thigh. I had this symptom due to my OM being in spasm. Once the muscle was out of spasm & relaxed it was ok. Sadly, Pudendal nerve issues cause pelvic floor muscles to tighten so this could be a referred pain. In most cases the muscle spasms are secondary to what's really going on with the compressed Pudendal nerve. If I remember rightly, Prof. Vancaillie did say that inner thigh pain would be from the obturator muscle.


Re: inner thigh pain pudendal nerve?

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:53 am
by Jackson
Thanks Catherine. You are a wealth of information.

Re: inner thigh pain pudendal nerve?

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:03 pm
by bindy15
Hi Jackson
Try googling adductor muscles, my physio here in NZ had me massaging these big time, if these are tight then they refer pain from the inner thigh to these areas. It is great because it is a muscle you can work on externally, I found clips on Youtube also which gave guidance on how to deal with this,


Re: inner thigh pain pudendal nerve?

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:03 am
by Violet M
Jackson wrote:Has anyone experienced pain in the inner aspect of the thigh just down from the groin. That's in addition to all the usual symtptoms of pudendal pain. A specialist has told me that the pudendal nerve can also cause pain in this part of the anatomy. Like a sore muscle (well it is the muscle, or in my case more like fat).
Yes, I had severe inner thigh pain just down from the groin. It's hard to say how much was due to the perineal pudendal nerve entrapment and how much was due to the obturator internus muscle (OI) being in spasm from the pudendal pain. It took about a year - 18 months to die down after my PNE surgery. As the PNE pain subsided, so did the OI pain. A TENS unit with properly placed electrodes also helped the OI muscles to calm down but I would not recommend this if your nerve is still entrapped because it could cause a major flare-up.