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Dr. issues, weaning off narcotics, add medical marijuania

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 8:36 pm
by Momof3
Hello to all,

First time here!
I could read for the next 24 hours here as I am so happy to find a community who gets it. But sorry we are all in this club.
I see myself in these posts.
I have had 9 years of diagnosed chronic pelvic pain.
Biopsies, exploratory surgery, adhesions removal, MRIs, CAT scans, shots, pelvic floor massage, energy work, chiro, regular massage, regular PT, and on and on. ALSO had disc surgery as a direct result of the constant spasm on my left side that over time changed my posture= disc blowout.
Soooo....MEDS> vicidon, oxy, a list of anti depressants, Tramadol, flexeril, sleeping pills, non-gluten diet, herbs, morphine and on and on.
Most recently the doctor who I chose to see, and paid cash for, discontinued my pain management and sent a referral for me to another place- actually slamming me into weaning as I had told said dr. for two months that I was in a flare-up and taking more meds at times. Just like I admitted when things were going better and please do not prescribe as much (big mistake). I say mistake because he wanted to then forever keep me on that low does! WHAT? Weird...
Okay so I go to the referral, on my only day off of six day a week job.
I knew it was a bad sign when I pulled up and saw a line of people before they opened. Right away I think: Methadone clinic. Which it was not, but it was a strange place! I was first in line as the men waiting were real gentlemen and had me sign in first. Nice.
I then waited 4 1/2 , yes, four and a half hours to be seen. Everyone and their brother came and went, argued with staff, demanded one dr. over another.
I had paid cash, 385.00 because they would not take my insurance plus seeing anyone else in town required all my records from past. Apparently records sending is not top of list of priority at most dr. offices and it takes time. Basically I was paying 385.00 to not suffer withdrawals from Vicadon.
The doctor had me sit on his desk, as he had no exam table...this is beyond humiliating!
In the end, he gave, a prescription for ONLY 28 pills, take two every six hours. And. I had a hard time filling.
Why am I giving this lengthy story? Because it is just one of many things that have happened to me on this road that makes me now have to look at alternatives mostly to not go thru the ordeal it is to be recognized and treated for real pain.
This guy said for more meds I need to get my old MRI and indicated we would basically start from zero, and all visits 175.00 and only a 2 hour wait.
My partner has been telling me forever to try medical marijuania. I was refusing because last year I was drug tested for my highly responsible job and was refused a position due to narcotics in urine that I not only claimed would be there but I had doctors letters for. I thought if they can do this with a prescription what will happen with more controversial medical marijuania?
Well, thanks to my forced weaning I started taking more Tramadol ( VERY helpful for withdrawals) and went to get my marijuania card!
I cried with sadness getting the card. I just feel defeated. BUT the research on it is great! And its got to be better then the liver damage from pills. I had to get over my judgement.
I finally called around and found someone who delivers, as my town will not have standing dispensaries until January.
I ordered a high CBD Syrup and an edible cake that had some THC. I do not wish to smoke it right now, if ever.
So far so good! Although it takes some experimenting to get the dose right. I do not like a feeling of being high. The syrup gave me NO SUCH FEELING! The cake, some.
But-main thing, pain relieved. I have not had enough time yet to totally form an opinion on how much it will help when things are real bad. But, it has helped me to go down to only three vicadons per day, six tramadols. Still trying to stop sleeping pill- which was only prescribed because the pain meds didn't do enough over night.
So, there I am in a nutshell.
I think it has been more stress to try to deal with being treated like a criminal getting pain meds then anything else! It only makes my pain go up, from stress. I am hoping that the marijuania helps with anxiety too, at this point.
Best to all...and wondering, anyone else trying marijuania?

Re: Dr. issues, weaning off narcotics, add medical marijuani

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 9:16 pm
by janetm2
Welcome to the forum Momof3,
I have not tried marijuania but was told recently by my psychologist that it is getting reviews for pain. He suggested I try it after retirement since I cannot take it due to work regulations. I am sorry you have been through so much and that we have to fight so much and wait around in pain to get help because of people who have misused. Best of luck and hope you can find the right balance.

Re: Dr. issues, weaning off narcotics, add medical marijuani

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 3:44 am
by Ray P.
Hi janetm2

I have problem with feet also.


Re: Dr. issues, weaning off narcotics, add medical marijuani

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 11:58 pm
by janetm2
Hi Ray,
Sorry you have the extra feet problem. One issue would seem enough! Oh well I am trying to scale back on some holiday stuff to make it through the year but still at least participate in some festivities. Hope the new year brings all of us a bit of luck.