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New to PGAD and realize anything can cause it

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 1:33 am
by Hopeitworks
Here's is what I have realized in a short amount of time. PGAD can be caused by anything.
Sexual trama
Nerve damage
Pelvic floor
Pelvic Surgery
I probably left a few out but no freaking wonder they can't cure it, if it's caused by everything. This leaves me hopeless. I've never agreed with "Just treat the symptoms". All that does is mask the problem, no solve it. Don't get me wrong I will try whatever I'm asked to try but I will never give up until I know what caused me to develop PGAD.

I'm still having a hard time excepting I have this disorder. So I'm going to be posting a lot and please support me while I adjust to my new life. Which I feel bad come to an end. Your not living when your just going through the motions of life. Again please help me. All info or support is welcomed.
Thank you in advance because this site is why I'm still alive.

Re: New to PGAD and realize anything can cause it

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 3:24 am
by Violet M
When I first developed PGAD I had no idea what caused it but with a lot of research and trying different and seeing different providers, I was able to figure out what it was and treat the root cause. I wish you all the best as you work on figuring this out for you. You seem like a very pro-active person so I expect you will get this figured out. In the meantime, I think it is fine to take medication that masks the symptoms so it doesn't drive you insane. If you do find a medication that takes away the symptoms and the medication doesn't have too many side effects, it might be a good strategy to keep taking the medication, leave things be, and not stir things up.
