Michael Durtnall & Sayer Clinic Update 2016 - Present

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Marwa B
Posts: 16
Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2017 3:44 pm

Michael Durtnall & Sayer Clinic Update 2016 - Present

Post by Marwa B »

Hi All,

I wrote a post in 2017 regarding my treatment at Sayer Clinic (2016), here's a summary and update!

Original Post Summary (2017):

Over the past five years, after a fall on the coccyx, I’d developed severe pelvic pain, discomfort, and a relentless need to use the bathroom without ever feeling any relief. I had shooting pain down my leg when I walked. I always had nausea and indigestion, sometimes I could barely keep food down. I had chronic shoulder pain, blinding sudden migraines and numbness in my hands. I got several vague medical diagnosis including; IBS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Gastroparesis, which led to a long and futile list of medications; Buscopan, metoclopramide, codeine, diazepam, omeprazole, tramadol, citalopram and micralax, to name a few.

I had an inkling that my long list of issues was somehow connected to my spinal/pelvic problems - I had been seeing chiropractors on and off with varying degrees of success, and although none of it lasting, it proved my theory. I was sure it was all connected, but no one seemed to be able to piece it together, so I took the mild relief I got from adjustments and tried to manage as best as I could.

In late 2016, after reading a lot of reviews, my then partner took me for treatment at Sayer Clinic. I met Dr. Durtnall and immediately the experience was unlike any other I'd had with a medical professional. He immersed himself in everything he did, frantically x-raying me and pushing and prodding and assessing every aspect of my spine and posture. He told me that I had Pudendal Neuralgia. Finally, this odd, embarrassing, and life-ruining set of symptoms had a name. Over the next few weeks I went to see him religiously, we worked on my pelvic floor, my posture and muscles, and unbelievably but surely, the symptoms started to dissipate! Years upon years of agony, started to dissolve with every visit.
As I write this now, a few months later, I am essentially SYMPTOM FREE. The slight twangs I have here and there are mere drops, to the ocean of debilitating pain and suffering I used to experience. My life absolutely revolved around symptoms, they governed every part of my day, and now I’m slowly starting to think about other things aside from pain meds and going to the toilet!
Dr. Durtnall is a leader in this field, and an authority on this subject, no other clinic in London has this level of comprehension when it comes to the spine, pelvic floor, and Pudendal Neuralgia.

Update (2019):

Three years on my symptoms have dwindled to nothing. It's hard to believe now that my life was so dominated by PN for so long.
I've been to see Dr. Durtnall again sporadically over the past three years, whenever I have the odd (rare) flair up, and even then, symptoms are very mild and extremely short lived.
My days no longer revolve around waking up hideously early, hours before everyone else, to use the bathroom (several times with no relief), doing back and neck stretches, and waiting for pain meds to kick in. I'm rid of all the weird rituals, my daily routine is completely 'normal' now and I take no pain medication at all.
I've managed to get my life back; I have a job, I go wherever I want, eat whenever I want, sit on whatever sitting surface is available, without fear of debilitating pain. I can exercise (with great care regarding my posture). I've learned a great deal about spines, pelvises and nerves, I take care of mine as much as possible, and hopefully I'll never be back there again.
I'm updating this post to let you know there is hope. This is a horrible condition that can really put a dent in a person, but it can be overcome. I can't recommend Dr. Durtnall and Sayer Clinic enough, this 180 change wouldn't have been possible without them.

I wish you all relief from PN.

Marwa x
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