Stretching techniques? desperate for some relief

Trigger Point injections, Myofascial Massage techniques, and many more.
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Joined: Thu Jul 02, 2015 4:35 am

Re: Stretching techniques? desperate for some relief

Post by Robalo60 »

I just came from my last Pelvic Floor Therapy from Health Link therapist from Baptist Hospital systems in San Antonio, Texas. I have been doing pelvic Floor therapy, Kegels and relaxation techniques for over a month. From a screaming pain from Pudendal Nerve Neuropathy from a 6 to 8 in pain. I have been blessed to have reduced my pain to a 1 to 2. and have reduced my 300 mg. of Gabapentin, 3 capsules a day to one capsule a day, with my Neurologist approval. I do still have pain but are doing baby steps in therapy of the pelvic Floor and it is working. A Thank you shout to Therapist Lulu and Naomi who are some of the best pelvic floor therapist that I know. I know have my life back, thanks be to the Lord and to the therapist I finally am getting better. This therapy is not for everyone, but I went in with some reserve and fear of new pain, which I did have in the beginning. But little by little pain has been going down. Seek this type of therapy if available to you, I have to travel 150 miles one way to get this therapy, but it was worth it. People there is some hope for Chronic Pudendal Nerve neuropathy suffers. Look up Pelvic Floor therapy on the internet in your area, it might help you. God bless and good luck.
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