Anal burning

Many physical activites such as sports, pelvic surgery, etc can all contribute to PN
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Anal burning

Post by Julieh18 »

Hi all.

I am new to this site so please bear with me.

I am a 29 year old female who has had a nearly 7 week history of constant burning to the perianal skin area, as well as burning when passing wind.
I have no other symptoms apart from the burning, and sometimes feeling raw (like I have really bad sunburn in that area/skin been ripped off).
It has slowly now started creeping into my vaginal area (although not as bad) after having a UTI (after sex) 2 weeks ago.

Does this sound like pudendal neuralagia?

Background is....
Nov 2019 I had gastroentritis which led me to not to have 'normal' bowel movements. I then started with a pressure sensation in my rectum (which would come and go) but started making me extremely anxious.
The pressure sensation make me feel as though I needed to pass wind or have a bowel movement even when there was nothing there.
This then led me to have thrombosed hemhorroids - which healed (but left some excess skin behind).
Had a colonoscopy in Jan 2020 due to my bowel movements which came back absolutely fine - no issues. But was left with anal muscle pain for about 6/7 weeks following this.
I had two months with no symptoms until this burning started 3rd April 2020 and has not gone.

I already have a lot of anxiety with my anal area due to my previous history so this starting hasnt help that.
I first thought I might have aggrivated skin/nerve due to rubbing a little to much/hard (as never felt clean due to my excess skin). So I started cleaning with water and dabbing.
Made no difference.
Doctors then thought I might have a slight skin infection - started cream - no difference.
Advised to use hemhorroid cream and suppositiries - NO DIFFERENCE!!
Now be started on pregabalin (already taking amitripitlyne)

Has anyone else experienced this?
Is there any chance that the pudendal nerve heals by itself?
Any advise would be greatly appericated.

I am really stressed about it as myself and my husband are trying for a baby but this seems to be putting things on hold as I cant even think about sex after my experience two weeks ago.
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Joined: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:07 am

Re: Anal burning

Post by stephanies »

I have had similar symptoms, a burning sensation in the anal area and increase in pain when passing gas. My pain is worse in the perineal and vaginal areas. It sounds like you could be dealing with PN. Have you had your symptoms evaluated by a doctor who is familiar with pelvic pain/PN? If not a gynecologist, urogynecologist, or pelvic PT may be able to give you some more information.

PN started 2004 from fall. Surgery with Filler Nov. 2006, Dr. Campbell April 2007. Pain decreased by 85% in 2008 (rectal and sitting pain resolved completely), pain returned in 12/13. Pain reduced significantly beginning around 11/23.
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