
Constipation — One thing to Avoid! 

One of the possible causes of pudendal neuralgia is frequent straining from constipation.  The theory is that if you are constipated and you strain to have a bowel movement, the pudendal nerve may be damaged due to a stretch injury. Avoiding this complication can be difficult for many with pudendal neuralgia, as the medications that we take can also add to constipation issues. Here are some tips on how to avoid and how to treat constipation. Check with your physician on what is best for you.

Ideas from PN patients on how to deal  with constipation
(what works for one person may not work for another)

*Mirilax (Rx) 

*2-3 colace

*1-2 tablespoons flax oil mixed with a small amt. of 100% grape juice. You can swallow anything if you mix it with grape juice! I think the flax oil is most effective.

*Prune juice (100% prune juice…not the watered down stuff!)

*Organic Whole Grain High Fiber Hot Cereal with Flaxseed (it has 10 grams of fiber per serving). This works great. I just add honey and its tasty.

*Eating black eyed peas. Drinking lots of water with it helps.

*Psyllium husk. You just add it to a drink. I got the powder kind. Its pretty nasty so I don’t do this one often. I’d recommend getting it in pill form.

*One doctor said No psyllium and recommended Benefiber. 

*Super Cleanse for your colon (its a natural laxative…it doesn’t give you cramps).This worked wonders for weeks but now it just helps. I take it a few times a week.

*Magnesium citrate tablets taken on a regular basis.  I have to eat a high fiber diet and take 400 mg of mag-citrate twice a day or I run into problems.

*Over the last year, I have a lot less of a problem with constipation than I used to – in fact, really it is hardly a problem at all now.  I used to make sure that I had at least the ‘required’ 30 grams of fibre a day, and I also had lots of gut problems.  Nowadays we’ve thrown away the fibre supplements and the high-fibre breakfast cereals, and our only fibre comes from the veg that we eat. 

*Some pudendal neuralgia patients rely on enemas to prevent constipation from getting out of hand.  You may want to check with your physician before trying an enema. 

*When all else fails, you may want to try colonics. It is recommended that you speak to your doctor first before trying colonic therapy.


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